Lifestyle 3 mins Is Milk BAD for Your Kidney Stones? While cutting calcium entirely from your diet may seem like the most logical step to make, it can actually hinder your attempts to prevent
Lifestyle, Pain Management 2 mins Top 6 Tips for Kidney Stone Pain Relief Kidney stone and stent pain can be exhausting and disruptive to daily life – but it can be managed! Here are some things you
Expert Opinion, Lifestyle 3 mins Ask Dr. Stoller: Best Drinks for Kidney Stones Trying to prevent your next stone? The right dietary choices can make a world of difference.
Lifestyle 2 mins Good News for Coffee Lovers! Has the pain of kidney stones, second-guess your food and drink choices? Don’t worry, it’s normal! Good news: You still can have your daily cup of
Lifestyle 2 mins Does Gravel Root Tea Really Root Out Kidney Stones? Named after its purported abilities to prevent kidney stones and dissolve them into gravel, gravel root tea is a common home remedy among kidney
Lifestyle 2 mins Does Vitamin C cause Kidney Stones? Vitamin C is known for its immunity-boosting effects1, but those benefits could come at a cost for kidney stone formers! What is Vitamin
Lifestyle 2 mins If You Have Kidney Stones and Love Dark Chocolate, We’ve Some News For You Tired of having to give up your favorite foods? Plot twist: here’s an indulgent treat that you can keep. Dark chocolate has been revered
Lifestyle 2 mins Can Drinking Beer Help Me to Pass My Kidney Stone? We love our ice-cold beers, especially on a hot summer day! As beer is naturally a diuretic, some kidney stone patients believe that drinking
Lifestyle 3 mins Before You Go Vegan, Beware the Kidney Stone Risks! Veganism has been on the rise, spurred by its reputation as the healthier, more ethical diet. While eating more vegetables is definitely good for